
1-Act play for a youth cast. 2M (20's) 1F (20's) 1F (young ) 45 minutes
SYNOPSIS: Mark and Jason are two 24 year old website whiz-kids working for Surprising Gifts, an internet-based toy and gift company. They are having to reorganise the database and website in time for the expected Christmas rush, but Jason isn't about to let that get in the way of taking out their assistant, Nicola.

CHARACTERS in order of appearance:
JASON: A young webmaster, bright and but never particularly serious and doesn't want work to get in the way of his leisure life.
MARK: The same age as Jason, but more senior and takes life a lot more seriously.
NICOLA: Their assistant, always willing to please.
JESSICA: A twelve year old schoolgirl, pretty and perhaps quite slight, but with definite inner strength (can be played by an older girl, but must look young)
For a free downloadable pdf copy of the script for evaluation purposes, and details of performing rights, email putting the title required in the subject line.